Friday, March 11, 2011

芝士蛋糕 cheese cake

一直以来,我对芝士都很抗拒,尤其是芝士蛋糕,很怕它的芝士味道。所以这么多年都没有烘烤芝士蛋糕。近来,孩子要求我烘烤芝士蛋糕,就用了这个食谱烘烤了这芝士蛋糕,想不到味道非常好,没有浓浓的芝士味, 很香也不腻。我第一次烘烤这芝士蛋糕时,因为怕肥,就送了一半给朋友。晚上收到朋友讯息,说;谢谢送来的芝士蛋糕,蛋糕好好味呀!我也对她说;是呀!我也觉得好好味呀!后来朋友对我说,当初她收到这蛋糕时,看到不是很开胃。因为第一次烘烤,用的蛋糕模大了,因此蛋糕有点扁,加上动来动去,蛋糕到她那边时,有点走样了,所以看了不是很开胃,那里知道吃下去,却是那么的好味!吃了一口又一口,一块又一块,哈!不行,不能吃太多,好肥的呀!现在烘了这芝士蛋糕,放进冰箱里, 一天吃一块,哈! 好滋味啊!
饼底: 消化饼 150 克, 无盐牛油 55 个
Base: digestive biscuit 150g, unsalted butter 55 g.
蛋糕:奶油芝士 300 克,鸡蛋 3 个,幼糖 7 汤匙,粟米粉 1 1/2
汤匙,鲜奶油 300 克。
Cake batter: cream cheese 300 g, egg 3, caster sugar 7 tbsp, corn flour 1 1/2 tbsp, fresh cream 300g.

digestive biscuit made it into fine crumbs.

melt the butter, let it cool, then add into the crumbs.
mix well.
铺入蛋糕模中, 用平的汤匙背面压实.( 建议用脱底蛋糕模, 若用脱底蛋糕模,模外面要用锡箔纸包住,以免进水。)放进冰箱冷藏半个小时。
press evenly in the bottom of the tin. ( suggest to use springform cake tin, wrap the tin outside with aluminium foil to avoid the water going in.) chill for 1/2 hour.
鲜奶油打发至7-8 分发, 备用.
beat fresh cream till soft peak form.
芝士奶油室温软化, 用搅拌机与糖搅拌至软滑.
with an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth.

鸡蛋逐个加入, 搅拌均匀后, 才加入另一个.
beat in eggs, one at a time.

鸡蛋搅拌均匀后, 加入
粟米粉, 搅拌均匀.
beat the egg just enough to blend thoroughly, then add in corn flour, mix well.

fold in the beat fresh cream.

mix the batter lightly.

用另一个大一点的蛋糕模, 倒2 1/2 杯热水.
pour 2 1/2 cup hot water in the outer tray.

put the the cake batter tray in the outer tray.

预热烤箱, 用150 度烤 1 个小时. 蛋糕放凉后, 放进冰箱冷藏2-3 小时, 味道更佳.
preheat oven, 150 degree bake for one hour. let cool in the tin. chill for 2-3 hour before serving.

我烤多半个小时, 把表面烤得有点干, 口感非常好.
i bake for another half an hour, the surface slightly dry, it turns out very tasty.
enjoy it !!!