Friday, February 26, 2010

生炒糯米饭 Fried Glutinous Rice

去茶楼喝茶,都会要一个生炒糯米饭 。常在茶楼 吃,当然有点贵。平常在家也想做来吃,好让一家大小吃个够。试做过几次,都 失败。糯米饭不像茶楼里的那么松。后来与朋友谈天,他说他在一个饮食节目中听到一位知名食家说,做生炒糯米饭,要把蒸好的糯米饭洗一洗。试了几次,摸到了窍门。不能说比茶楼 的更好吃,但也做到松松的,一粒粒的,味道也相差不远。

糯米泡水待过夜,沥干水,放上蒸笼蒸45 分钟,
glutinous rice soak into water over night,drain well,
steam it over high heat for 45 minutes,do not put
water into the glutinous rice when steam.

other ingredients:dried prawn,char siew, chinese
sausage,small onion,egg(scramble),chinese
heat wok and oil,fragrant small onion.
then add in dried prawn,fragrant.
then add in char siew, sausage, mushroom
fragrant all the ingredients then only go and wash the
cooked glutinous rice with cool water,wash it quickly
and loosen the rice.
沥干水 drain well

then add it into fragrant ingredients
seasoning:oyster sauce,soy sauce,dark soy sauce,
half teaspoon sugar.

炒均匀 stir- fry well

加入预 先炒好的鸡蛋
then add in scramble egg.

炒均匀 stir-fry well
peanut:put raw peanut and cool oil into the pot
then only heat up,use slow fire to fry the peanut
till slightly brown or cook, dish up.

this is it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

烤鸡 Roast Chicken

当初来到比利时,在街上走着时,发现有些商店的门口放着一个大烤箱,铁架上串着一只只的鸡。铁架一直在转,鸡就在烤。那香味传来,香得不得了,买来试试,却很失望。只有皮上香而有味,肉淡而无味。一天,翻看食谱时,里面夹有这方子。这方子也不知收藏了多久,也忘了在那一份报纸剪下来的。试过这方子 后,从此不再买外面的烤鸡来吃了。千万不要被这长长的材料吓倒,它却是非常容易做的一道菜,

材料:鸡 1只 chicken

腌料 marinade:A

泰式辣椒酱 1大匙 thai chilli sauce 1 tbsp

咖哩粉 1大匙 curry powder 1 tbsp

蚝油 1大匙 oyster sauce 1tbsp

芫茜粉 1大匙 coriander powder 1 tbsp

生抽 1大匙 light soya sauce 1 tbsp

绍兴酒 1大匙 shaoxing wine 1 tbsp

鸡蛋 1 粒 egg 1

番茄酱 1 ½ 大匙 tomato sauce 1 1/2 tbsp

海鲜酱 2大匙 hoisin sauce 2 tbsp

辣椒粉 2大匙 chilli powder 2 tbsp

五香粉 1小匙 five spice powder 1 1/2 tsp

鱼露 1 ½小匙 fish sauce 1 1/2 tsp

½小匙 salt 1 1/2 tsp

2 小匙 sugar 2 tsp

腌料 marinade:B(舂烂blended)

100克 ginger 100 g

葱头 5 粒 shallots 5



2.取出腌 好的鸡,沥干汁料,加入舂烂的腌料 B ,拌匀,腌半小时。

3.预热烤箱220 度。

4.盛入烤箱烤 30 分钟。



mix ingredients A
mix well
clear the chicken

put the chicken into marinade sauce
rub the sauce over the chicken
cover with foil and keep in the fridge over night

blend ginger and shallots

take out chicken from the fridge and spread
the blended ginger over the chicken, keep a side
for 30 minutes.preheat oven 220 degrees.

bake for 30 minutes,take out turn it over and spread
some leftover sauce on it and bake for 30 minutes,
take it out again ,turn it over and spread some sauce
on the chicken and bake for another 15 minutes or
till the chicken is cook.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

叉烧(Cha Siew) Roast Pork

1 kg Pork Belly - Slice into long slices - width 1 inch

Marinate Sauce:
叉烧酱(char siew sauce) 5 Tablespoon
酸梅酱(plum sauce) 5 Tablespoon
海鲜酱(hoi sin sauce) 3 Tablespoon
绍兴酒(shao hsing wine) 1 Tablespoon
五香粉(five spice powder) 1/2 teaspoon
豆豉 (磨烂grinde) 1/2 tablespoon
Oyster Sauce 2 Tablespoon
Soy Sauce 1 Tablespoon
Sugar 1/2 bowl (Rice Bowl)
Garlic 2 Cloves (Sliced)

1. Marinate 1 kg of pork belly with the Marinate Sauce. Put it into the fridge overnight.
2. Preheat oven to 220'C.
3. Remove the pork from the marinate sauce.
4. Take half rice bowl of the marinate sauce and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey ,2 tablespoon海鲜酱(hoi sin sauce) and 1 tablespoon of black sauce. (This is the spread sauce)
5. Place the pork on the baking tray.
6. Spread the spread sauce on the pork.
7. Bake for 15-20mins(sometimes you need to bake more than 20 mins) and turn the pork to bake the other side and spread sauce.
8. Bake for another 15-20mins (check and see if the sides of the pork are starting to burn to know if it is cooked).

Friday, February 19, 2010

蛋糕仔 Kueh Bulu


蛋 5只, 面粉 125克, 糖 150 克.
