Friday, February 25, 2011


另一位朋友给了我这个蒸年糕的食谱,这个年糕才像点年糕,味道和样子都不错。把它切成一块块,用芋头和番薯把年糕夹在中间,沾上面糊,煎香,哗! 又是一道可口的小吃了。

glutinous rice lour 454 g, brown sugar in pieces 300 g, water 500 ml, oil 1 tbsp.

brown sugar in pieces and water boil together till sugar dissolve,
let it cool before using.

将糖水加入糯米粉搅拌均匀,加入油 1 荡匙搅拌均匀。
add sugar liquid into flour and mix well.

pour batter into the mould, when the water is boiling, steam with low heat
for two hours.

after 2 hours this is it. the look and the taste quite alike.




朋友对我说,她烤了一个“年糕”时,我倒是很惊讶,“年糕”可以用烤的吗? 一直以来,心目中的年糕都是蒸的。跟她要了食谱,自己也试烤这"年糕”看看。烤了出来,觉得这“年糕”的味道不是很像年糕,倒像我国的一种马来糕点。沾上椰丝或花生和芝麻,味道倒也不错。吃不完,可以放进冰箱里冷冻,想吃的时候,用微波炉叮一下就可以了。

糯米粉 250 克 glutinous rice flour 250 g
黄糖 1/2 杯 brown sugar 1/2 cup
鸡蛋 1 粒 egg 2
粟米油 1/2 杯 corn oil 1/2 cup
牛奶 1 1/2 杯 milk 1 1/2 cup
发粉 1/2 茶匙 baking powder 1/2 tsp.

-拌打鸡蛋和糖 3-5 分钟。加入油拌打1/2 分钟。加入一半糯米粉 ,一半的牛奶搅拌均匀。再加入另一半糯米粉 ,一半的牛奶搅拌均匀,过沥。150 度烤40 分钟或至熟。
-Beat egg and sugar together 3-5 mints. add in oil and beat for 1/2 mint. Fold in half the glutinous rice flour and half of the milk, mix well. Then add in another half glutinous rice flour and half of the milk, mix well and strain. Bake in the over at 150 degree for 40 mints or till cook.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

好运鱼生 " Lucky Raw Fish "

自丛来了欧州后, 在新年里再也没有吃过这道"菜"了。这是马来西亚和新加坡华人新年里必备的一道"菜",我们叫它“捞生". 心里一直很想试做这道"菜"。今年朋友们也齐口说也很想吃这道 "菜",於是就动手做了。过程并不难,只是切的工夫多。

鱼生材料: Ingredients:
白萝卜丝 150克 white radish shreds 150g
红萝卜丝 100克 carrot shreds 100g
青萝卜丝 70克 green radish 70g
发好的海蜇丝 60克 well prepared jelly fish shreds 60g
酸姜丝 20克 preserved sour ginger shreds 20g
酸荞头丝 20克 preserved bulbous onion shreds 20g
柚肉 30克 pomelo flesh 30g
芫荽 少许 coriander few
葱头丝 少许 small onion shreds 1/2 tbsp
柠檬 半只(榨汁) lemon (extract juice ) 1/2
柠檬叶丝 少许 lemon leaf shreds 1/2 piece
三文鱼 200克 salmon (slices ) 200g
炸好的云吞皮 80克 fried wonton skin 80g
椰丝 1 汤匙 coconut shreds 1 tbsp
甜桔饼碎 1 汤匙 sweet lime particles 1tbsp
烘香花生碎 3汤匙 roasted ground peanut 3 tbsp
烘香芝麻碎 2 汤匙 roasted sesame 2 tbsp
盐 1 茶匙 salt 1 tsp
幼白糖 1 汤匙 fine sugar 1 tbsp
胡椒粉 1/2 茶匙 pepper 1/2 tsp
白醋 1/2 汤匙 white vineger 1/2 tbsp
熟花生油 3 汤匙 cooked peanut oil 3 tbsp
Put white radish, carrot, green radish at the center of a round plate. The rest of the ingredients just put them around the plate.

鱼生酱汁: " Raw fish" sauce:
盐 2 茶匙 salt 2 tsp
糖 2 汤匙 sugar 2 tbsp
酸梅酱 6 汤匙 plum sauce 6 tbsp
茄汁酱 4 汤匙 tomato sauce 4 tbsp
辣椒酱 2 汤匙 chili sauce 2 tbsp
麻油 1/2 汤匙 sesame oil 1/2 tbsp
白米醋 1 汤匙 white vinegar 1 tbsp
清水 1 饭碗 water 1 rice bowl
( 一起拌匀成酱汁。) ( stir well into gravy )
另粟粉 1 汤匙,清水 3 汤匙拌成献汁。( corn flour 1 tbsp, water 3 tbsp into gravy powder.)
-热镬加放 4 汤匙油,将酱汁加入,煮至略滚,然后将献汁随少加入推匀,即成。
Heat wok with 4 tbsp of oil, add in gravy to cook till boiling, add in corn flour gravy to thicken the sauce.

-将4 汤匙的鱼生酱汁,以及其它的材料放在一起,然后大家用筷子将各种材料高高捞起,嘴里就 喊说:“ 捞起,捞起,大家捞到风生水起!”
Put 4 tbsp of "raw fish" sauce and the rest of the ingredients together, mix well and enjoy the food.

番薯发糕 Sweet Potato Fa Gao

The method of making sweet potato fa gao and pumpkin fa gao is the same,
only the ingredients are slightly different.

番薯发糕: Sweet Potato Fa Gao:
材料: Ingredients:
面种:面粉(过筛) 50克 Started: sifted plain flour 50g
水 50 毫升 water 50ml
干酵母 1 茶匙 dry yeast 1 tsp
面糊:面粉 200 克 Batter: plain flour 200g
双重发粉 2 茶匙 double action powder 2 tsp
番薯(蒸熟) 200克 sweet potato 200g
椰浆 120 毫升 coconut milk 120ml
水 40毫升 water 40ml
黄糖 150 克 brown sugar 140g
鸡蛋 1 粒 egg 1
Please refer to the method of Pumpkin Fa Gao.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

金瓜发糕 Pumpkin Fa Gao

在这新年里,虽然没有回家乡,但也与一班朋友一齐欢庆新年。新年里煮煮炒炒中,试了很多食谱;有鱼生,发糕,烤年糕,蒸年糕,萝卜糕,还做了一个芝士蛋糕。在这众多食谱中,最满意的要算是发糕了。它发得可真漂亮。但愿身边的亲朋戚友, 都像它一样,发得漂漂亮亮。

面种: 面粉50克(过筛),水50毫升,酵母1茶匙。
started: 50g sifted plain flour, 50ml water, 1 tsp dry yeast.

mix all the ingredients.
set aside for 40 mints to proof.

(面粉320克+双重发粉2茶匙, 过筛),金瓜200克(蒸熟),椰浆100毫升,
鸡蛋 1 粒,(椰糖140克+水50毫升煮溶,过沥, 待凉)
plain flour 320g, double action powder 2 tsp (sift together )
pumpkin 200g(steamed), coconut milk 100ml, egg 1,
palm sugar(gula melaka) 140g, water 50ml (boil together till sugar dissolves,
strain and let it cool)

put pumpkin, coconut milk, egg, sugar in mixer and mix well.

fold liquid mixture into flour and started.
use hand to mix till well blended.

this is sweet potato fa gao photo, the method for pumpkin fa gao
and sweet potato fa gao are the same.

cover with towel for 15 mints.

小杯中铺入纸杯, 倒入面糊至9 分满, 静置15分钟.
line cake cups with paper cup, scoop batter into cups
till 90% full and set aside for 15 mints.

draw a cross with scissors on the batter surface.

when water is boiling, put cups into steamer.

steam over high heat for 15 mints.

看! 发得多漂亮!!
look! it's so beautiful!!

it's yummy too!!

**椰糖可用黄糖代替, 如用黄糖,就不用与水煮溶. 就直接与水, 鸡蛋, 椰浆, 金瓜搅拌.